GPFAA Art Guild
The duties of the Officers shall be as follows:
President (non-voting except as tie-breaker)
The President shall:
Provide leadership and vision to the Organization
Conduct all scheduled and special meetings of the Organization and the Executive Committee
Recruit and nominate members to the Executive Committee
Prepare the written agenda for Executive Committee and Organization Meetings,
Maintain procedural order during all meetings
Possess the authority to countersign checks (if not a district employee)
Maintain permanent archive copies of the GPFAA Art Guild bylaws and shall make updates to the bylaws as recommended and voted on by the Executive Committee
2. First Vice President:
The First Vice President shall:
Act in the absence of the President
Serve as the Communications Chairperson and as such shall be responsible for obtaining a list of names, addresses, and phone numbers of all art students; for selecting several members to serve on the Communications Committee; shall disseminate these names and telephone numbers to the Call-Captains, who shall, in turn, be responsible for recruiting workers where staffing is required; and shall be responsible for confirming the exact time and dates
Serve on the Visual Arts Banquet Committee
Manage social media, Remind, email account, and Guild website
Oversee the Communications Committee
Perform other duties as required
Possess the authority to countersign checks
3. Second Vice President:
The Second Vice President shall:
Act in the absence of the President and the First Vice President
Shall be responsible for arranging, with the approval of the Executive Committee, all Fundraiser Activities (except for the Concession Stands) undertaken by the GPFAA Art Guild
Ensure fundraising goals and budget needs are aligned for success
Oversee the Events Committee
Perform other duties as required
Possess the authority to countersign checks
4. Secretary/Historian:
The Secretary/Historian shall:
Record the minutes of all the Organization meetings and Executive Committee and Organization meetings
Present the most recent Executive Committee Meeting Minutes at each Executive Committee meeting
Read the most recent Organization Meeting Minutes at each Organization meeting
Prepare a permanent record copy of all minutes including the monthly Treasurer's Report for delivery to the Parliamentarian on a monthly basis for archive purposes
Be responsible for all Organization mailings and publicity notices
Take photos to record art events and maintain a book that documents the year's events,; in the event that the secretary cannot attend an event, the Secretary shall find a proxy to attend
Maintain permanent archive copies of all Executive Committee Meeting Minutes and Organization Meeting Minutes and monthly Treasurer's reports
Perform other duties as required
5. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
Keep the books for the Organization
Account for all monies
Present any unapproved bills or charges to the Organization at the next Organization meeting
Pay all approved accounts and bills as they come due
Keep a running list of all money appropriated but not yet paid out
Deliver and pick up money for all fundraising activities
Present a current Treasurer's Report at each regularly scheduled Executive Committee meeting
Prepare a permanent record copy of each monthly Treasurer's Report for delivery to the Secretary
Prepare the books for audit prior to the first day of August
Perform other duties as required, but may not coordinate fundraising activities
6. Parliamentarian -
Advise the Executive Committee and members of the parliamentary procedure
Parliamentary Authority: Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised
Maintains a copy of current bylaws and governing documents
Provides guidance to Executive Committee and Organization members on issues outlined in governing documents.
Maintains a position of impartiality and does not make motions, enter debate, or vote