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GPFAA Art Guild



The duties of the Officers shall be as follows:


  1. President (non-voting except as tie-breaker)

The President shall:

  • Provide leadership and vision to the Organization

  • Conduct all scheduled and special meetings of the Organization and the Executive Committee

  • Recruit and nominate members to the Executive Committee

  • Prepare the written agenda for Executive Committee and Organization Meetings,

  • Maintain procedural order during all meetings

  • Possess the authority to countersign checks (if not a district employee)

  • Maintain permanent archive copies of the GPFAA Art Guild bylaws and shall make updates to the bylaws as recommended and voted on by the Executive Committee

    2. First Vice President:

The First Vice President shall:

  • Act in the absence of the President

  • Serve as the Communications Chairperson and as such shall be responsible for obtaining a list of names, addresses, and phone numbers of all art students; for selecting several members to serve on the Communications Committee; shall disseminate these names and telephone numbers to the Call-Captains, who shall, in turn, be responsible for recruiting workers where staffing is required; and shall be responsible for confirming the exact time and dates

  • Serve on the Visual Arts Banquet Committee

  • Manage social media, Remind, email account, and Guild website

  • Oversee the Communications Committee

  • Perform other duties as required

  • Possess the authority to countersign checks

    3. Second Vice President:

The Second Vice President shall:

  • Act in the absence of the President and the First Vice President

  • Shall be responsible for arranging, with the approval of the Executive Committee, all Fundraiser Activities (except for the Concession Stands) undertaken by the GPFAA Art Guild

  • Ensure fundraising goals and budget needs are aligned for success

  • Oversee the Events Committee

  • Perform other duties as required

  • Possess the authority to countersign checks

    4. Secretary/Historian:

The Secretary/Historian shall:

  • Record the minutes of all the Organization meetings and Executive Committee and Organization meetings

  • Present the most recent Executive Committee Meeting Minutes at each Executive Committee meeting

  • Read the most recent Organization Meeting Minutes at each Organization meeting

  • Prepare a permanent record copy of all minutes including the monthly Treasurer's Report for delivery to the Parliamentarian on a monthly basis for archive purposes

  • Be responsible for all Organization mailings and publicity notices

  • Take photos to record art events and maintain a book that documents the year's events,; in the event that the secretary cannot attend an event, the Secretary shall find a proxy to attend

  • Maintain permanent archive copies of all Executive Committee Meeting Minutes and Organization Meeting Minutes and monthly Treasurer's reports

  • Perform other duties as required

    5.  Treasurer

The Treasurer shall:

  • Keep the books for the Organization

  • Account for all monies

  • Present any unapproved bills or charges to the Organization at the next Organization meeting

  • Pay all approved accounts and bills as they come due

  • Keep a running list of all money appropriated but not yet paid out

  • Deliver and pick up money for all fundraising activities

  • Present a current Treasurer's Report at each regularly scheduled Executive Committee meeting

  • Prepare a permanent record copy of each monthly Treasurer's Report for delivery to the Secretary

  • Prepare the books for audit prior to the first day of August

  • Perform other duties as required, but may not coordinate fundraising activities

    6.  Parliamentarian

  • Advise the Executive Committee and members of the parliamentary procedure

  • Parliamentary Authority: Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised

  • Maintains a copy of current bylaws and governing documents

  • Provides guidance to Executive Committee and Organization members on issues outlined in governing documents.

  • Maintains a position of impartiality and does not make motions, enter debate, or vote


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